



人に好かれようとしたり、自分の能力をアピールしたりして目立とうとして、結局疲れてしまうというのが私にはよくあることなのですが、自分の栄光を求めたがるのは人の常なのかもしれません。 それに対し、クリスチャンの理想的な生活とは自分の栄光ではなく…


今回は神への服従、そして奇跡についてです。 いきなり「神に服従しなさい」と言われても、洗脳されているみたいで不気味ですよね。 現代的な考え方では、何かに服従するというよりも自分で考えて納得した上で、自分の意志で何かする、というほうが意思決定…




あなたたちは真理を知り、真理はあなたたちを自由にする。(ヨハネによる福音書8章32節) 今回のテーマは「自由」です。自由ってなんだろう... 自由に生きることを望んでいるし、それを目指しているつもりだけれど、私は今本当に自由なんだろうか。 日本は一…


The Teaching of Adversity In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. JOHN 16:33 The typical view of the Christian life is that it means being delivered from all adversity. But it actually means…


オズワルド・チャンバーズによる今日の説教です。 The Way to Knowledge If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine… JOHN 7:17 The golden rule to follow to obtain spiritual understanding is not one of intellectual pur…

The Dilemma of Obedience(2020 1/30)

The Dilemma of Obedience Samuel was afraid to tell Eli the vision. 1 SAMUEL 3:15God never speaks to us in dramatic ways, but in ways that are easy to misunderstand. Then we say, “I wonder if that is God’s voice?” Isaiah said that the Lord …

God’s Overpowering Purpose(2020 1/24)

God’s Overpowering Purpose I have appeared to you for this purpose… ACTS 26:16 The vision Paul had on the road to Damascus was not a passing emotional experience, but a vision that had very clear and emphatic directions for him. And Paul s…

Intimate With Jesus (2020 1/7)

Intimate With Jesus Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip?" JOHN 14:9 These words were not spoken as a rebuke, nor even with surprise; Jesus was encouraging Philip to draw closer. Yet the l…

TEDトーク "Fifty Shades of Gay"

あけましておめでとうございます 今年も素敵な一年になりますように。 英語の勉強のためにTEDトークを見たので、シェアさせていただきたいと思います! さっき思いつきましたが、2020年の抱負は毎日英語を勉強することでしょうか...。 www.ted.com TED talk …

His Birth and Our New Birth (2019 12/25 )

クリスマスですね!! みなさん、今年はどんな風にお過ごしでしょうか? 今日はクリスマスにちなんで、イエス・キリストの誕生に関するお説教が来ていたので読んでみました。 "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call…

The Consecration of Spiritual Power (2019/11/27)

…by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. GALATIANS 6:14 If I dwell on the Cross of Christ, I do not simply become inwardly devout and solely interested in my own holiness— I become strongly focused on Jesus Christ’s…

Discovering Divine Design(2019 11/14)

Discovering Divine Design As for me, being on the way, the Lord led me… GENESIS 24:27 We should be so one with God that we don’t need to ask continually for guidance. Sanctification means that we are made the children of God. A child’s lif…

The Authority of Truth (2019 11/4)

The Authority of Truth Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. JAMES 4:8 It is essential that you give people the opportunity to act on the truth of God. The responsibility must be left with the individual— you cannot act for him. I…

Intimate Theology (2019 11/6)

Intimate Theology Do you believe this? JOHN 11:26 Martha believed in the power available to Jesus Christ; she believed that if He had been there He could have healed her brother; she also believed that Jesus had a special intimacy with God…


キリスト教徒の友人に勧められて、オズワルド・チャンバーズという人の説教をメールで無料配信している"My Utmost for His Highest"というメルマガに登録しました。 オズワルドチャンバーズという人は、キリスト教の説教師で、怪しいカルトの類ではなさそう…

Partakers of His Suffering (2019 11/5)

Partakers of His Suffering …but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings… 1 PETER 4:13 If you are going to be used by God, He will take you through a number of experiences that are not meant for you personally at all. …